Looking for meal ideas for October? I am giving you my favorites below!
How often do you come across a recipe and think, “I wish I could make that, but I probably never will.”?
You could do the obvious and pin it on Pinterest (I’ll go deeper into my experience with Pinterest later in this post), but you could take it a step further and actually list it on your meal plan, right?
Well, what if the recipe I’m looking at is seasonal/holiday themed and we’re still months away from that time of year? you might be wondering.
That’s why you need lists for each month of the year titled something like this “Meal Ideas to Try in ___________.”
So I thought I’d go ahead and start a post for each month of the year and list my own personal favorites for that month so you can get ideas and/or inspiration for your own list. If you have an idea for a specific month, comment on the post for that month or send me an email and I’ll add it to the list!
Why I Stopped Using Pinterest
I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest. I love it because it gives me so many wonderful ideas for meals I could make. Just a two second search gives me over a million ideas. And that’s where the hate comes in. I get overwhelmed by all the options. I end up saving a bunch of pins and not making any of them.
For many years now, at least 4 or 5, I have been sticking to my tried and true recipes I already have saved in my Plan to Eat account. And it works great for me. I have a handful of recipes that I like to turn to for pretty much any occasion, and when I need a recipe I don’t have I use Google to help me find it. Pinterest was just getting out of control for me.
Tried-and-True Meals to Make in October
If you’re looking for tried-and-true recipes for the month of October, you’ve found it. These recipes are ones that we like to make in October (but not all of them every single October). Some of them are on the not-so-healthy side, so, of course, use your own discretion about which meals you want to add to your meal plan.
Some of the recipes I don’t have a tried-and-true recipe; I’m still searching for one. Those are the ones that have no link. The ones with asterisks around the link are ones I’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t yet.
Meal Ideas to Try in October
- Hot apple cider
- Pumpkin pancakes
- Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
- Mummy kabobs (pictured below)
- Spider grilled cheese sandwiches with cobweb tomato soup
- Dinner in a pumpkin
- Jack-O-Lantern taco stuffed peppers
- *Meaty eyeballs*
- Chili
- Candy corn fruit parfaits
- Spooky cinnamon sugar flour tortilla crisps
I would like to conclude by mentioning that you can have a long list of ideas for meals that you like, but it’s best to only choose what you realistically have time for. If you know you have a busy month ahead and adding a fun and festive meal would put you into crazy mode, just don’t do it.
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