One of my most favorite things about my 2 1/2 year old is that she sings full songs. Sometimes she even changes the lyrics just like her papi does! She sings the alphabet, “You Are My Sunshine”, “B-I-N-G-O”, and “Mary Had a Little Lamb” all without skipping a beat. I LOVE it!
One of our favorite bedtime songs is “A Bushel and a Peck.” I had no idea that this song was actually in the musical “Guys and Dolls” and was very popular among adults in the 1950s. I just thought it was a kids song!
We like to sing this song together at bedtime.
The lyrics and tune that I found on YouTube videos is a little different from how we sing it. I wish I could make a video and share our version, but I’m not so fond of my own voice. Instead, I’ll just share our lyrics below and a video that I found that I think is a great way to introduce you to this song if you’ve never heard it.
A Bushel and a Peck Lyrics
I love you, a bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck
A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap
A barrel and a heap and I’m going to sleep
Thinking of you.
A Bushel and a Peck Tune
I totally thought the girls in the video were triplets. Upon further investigation, however, I found out that it’s just one girl, Christy-Lyn, who sang all three parts. Incredible, right?!
Valentine’s Day Family Fun for Free
Valentine’s Day is sneaking up on us! I want to show my family how much I love them without having to spend money on them. Last year, I bought some things for the girls, and I don’t feel like it was money well spent. So since we are in a tight spot this V-day, I’m doing things the free way.
Here are some fun and free family Valentine’s Day ideas. Our girls are 1 and 2 1/2, so we’re going to keep things really simple.
1. Watch Valentine’s Day Themed shows on YouTube
I put together a playlist just for you! Just CLICK HERE (YouTube won’t let me link to playlist anymore)
2. Make valentines for each other
Each person should draw a name out of a hat to pick his valentine.
I found this awesome tutorial (link no longer works) on PicMonkey to make your own valentines.
It would also be fun to write letters. If your kids are young like ours, help them color a picture for their valentine.
3. Take treats to the neighbors
Make sure you do it the old-fashioned way (i.e. leave the treat on the doorstep, ring the doorbell, and make a run for it!).
Ok, so it’s not free to make treats, but if you have ingredients on hand to make something, do it!
These Heart Shaped White Chocolate Bark Bites sound easy enough to make with a toddler and a baby.
Or some Chocolate Covered Pretzels should do the trick!
4. Slow dance to love songs
Here’s what I’m thinking. We’ll turn on some really old, mushy music (you know, from the 80s) and start dancing. Then I bet our toddler will want us to pick her up to dance with us. And then the baby will be at our feet and want up as well. How FUN!
5. Build a fort and eat dinner in it with flashlights pointed toward the ceiling
Dinner under the stars. How enchanting for kids!
6. Sing love songs
Here is another playlist from YouTube that I put together. Just CLICK HERE (YouTube won’t let me link to playlist anymore)
7. Play a game of “I Spy with My Little Eye”
I know our toddler would love to walk through the house playing this game. It would be fun to put red and pink hearts throughout the house so she can find them all.
Do you have any other great ideas for a fun-filled V-day with the fam?
Ana Lynn Amelio says
Those sound like fun Charlee! I never know it was just one girl either even though I saw that video and heard that version a bunch of times. You learn something new everyday!
Charlee Anne says
Thank you, Ana Lynn 🙂
Saira says
Treats to the neighbors – great idea & we’ll be doing that one for sure. I follow you on twitter & pinterest & I’d love to add you to some of my pinterest group boards, so you can continue to repin your content on the group boards (more pins = more opportunity for traffic!)! Send me a note on twitter @momresource if you want me to add you to the group boards!
Charlee Anne says
Have fun making neighbor treats! Thanks for the invite. I’ll let you know 🙂