The past few weeks have been a joy to see Bella join me and Sofía in our action songs. She started clapping on her own, and she even grooves to the songs by moving her little body back and forth. So precious!
© evgeniya_m / Dollar Photo Club
Since it’s Halloween, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about another action song we just love: “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”! There are differences in the name of the spider in different parts of the country (and the world!), but we refer to him as Itsy Bitsy. I’ve heard of Eensy Weensy and Incy Wincy, and in French his name is Gypsie.
Itsy Bitsy Spider Lyrics
This song is a classic, so I’d be surprised if you didn’t know it. But just in case you don’t, here are the words:
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Went up the water spout.
Down came the rain,
And washed the spider out.
Out came the sun,
And dried up all the rain.
And the Itsy Bitsy Spider
Went up the spout again.
Super simple. Super cute. We also use actions, which Sofía just loves. Bella of course claps at the end of the song. Haha.
This version on YouTube is a little more rockin’ and a lot more funny than I’ve ever seen it before. Maybe watch it before you show your child, but I really don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I’m just being cautious over here.
I’ve compiled a grand list of books, crafts, shows, food, and activities that will be great if you are in the mood to talk about spiders with your child! I can understand if you are an arachnaphobe why you might not want to take part, but I bet your child will love it!!
We have the most adorable Itsy Bitsy Spider book that you have to check out! It’s a board book, and there’s a hole in the back for you to put your finger in so the spider moves around. Both of my girls laugh every time. It is totally worth it. Normally, I would refer you to the library, but I’m not sure if the library has books with finger puppets. You should check though!
Here are some other books that might be fun to check out from the library:
- The Very Busy Spider
- Miss Spider’s Tea Party
- Sign and Sing Along: Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Sesame Street: The Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Itsy Bitsy Spider (Kate Tom Series)
- Incy Wincy Spider
- Eency Weency Spider
- Incy Wincy Spider and Friends
Here are some fun and creative activities if you’re feeling all crafty!
Craft Stick Spider Webs from Crafts Unleashed
Giant Pom Pom Spiders from Best Birthdays
Hand Print Spiders from Keeping it Simple
Itsy Bitsy Spider Finger Puppet from Lalymom
Paper Plate Spiders from I Heart Crafty Things
Pom-Pom Spiders and Wooly Webs from Happy Hooligans
Spider Handprint Craft from Happy Hooligans
Spooky Spiders from Live Craft Eat
Apparently, a few years ago there was a show on Nick Jr. called Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends. Here are a few links to watch it on YouTube!
Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends 22 (1/3) 7:53
Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends 22 (2/3) 7:55
Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends 22 (3/3) 7:45
Attack of Spider Cookies from OMG Chocolate Desserts
Chocolate Peanut Butter Spider Cookies from A Spicy Perspective
Itsy Bitsy Spider Cookies from The Kitchen Whisperer
Spider Crackers from The TipToe Fairy
Spider Deviled Eggs from Sunset
Spider Krispie Treats from Cookies & Cups
Spider Web Soup from Food Family & Finds
Edible Glowing Spiderwebs Sensory Play from Fun at Home with Kids
Giant Lacing Spiderweb from Fun at Home with Kids
Lair of the Spider Queen Game from Chicken Babies
Pin the Spider on the Web from Just Between Friends
Spider Invastion Game from Mess for Less
Spider Web Walking Game from No Time for Flash Cards
Spider’s Web Discovery Basket from The Train Driver’s Wife
Finally, THIS is a great resource for even more fun with the Itsy Bitsy Spider!
If you know of more spider fun, leave a link in the comments!
I love the Itsy Bitsy spider and Lesley loves it too! I had a minor silly moment where I couldn’t remember the motion you do with the hands and Frank had to remind me of it, but oddly now enough Itsy Bitsy spider is one of our regular songs on our way to school!
Haha. No shame! I think we all need a refresher on some of these songs since we sang them so many years ago!
I do not like spiders at all! And yet, Dylan loves this spider song. He loves the hand motions and all of that, but his new favorite is B-I-N-G-O, ants go marching, and Hickory Dickorey Dock
I really don’t like spiders either, but anything for the kids, right? Haha. Sofia loves B-I-N-G-O, too!