Have you ever watched that show on TLC called A Baby Story? I personally enjoy it until they start going into too much detail at delivery time. But I love to hear how the mom went into labor, how the baby was delivered (without the gory details), and how mom and baby are doing after it is all said and done. So today I’d like to share Bella’s (my second daughter) birth story. I’ve already shared Sofía’s birth story (she’s my oldest daughter) HERE. This post is probably more for me, because I have never written it down before, but maybe you like to hear about other mama’s birth stories, too. 🙂
Mama’s Expectations
Since Sofía (my now 2 1/2 year old) was born a bit earlier than expected, I thought for sure that Bella (my now 15 month old) would also come early.
Well, she did. But not as early as 37 1/2 weeks which is when Sofía came. Instead, Bella came at 38 weeks and 6 days.
I was also pretty positive that Bella was going to come out fairly quickly like Sofía did.
Nope. She took her sweet time. Sofía was really fast, especially as the first baby. Bella definitely didn’t have any rush.
Apparently I would be a mom to a second child who is nothing like my first. Which is exactly how it should be.
The Non-Painful Contractions
When I got to the hospital at 3 in the morning, just 12 hours before Bella was born, I was having contractions, but they didn’t hurt (just like when I had my UTI the month before). Very uncomfortable, but no real screaming pain.
As I laid down in the bed to get the initial check, I wondered if I would be sent home with more meds for a UTI or if this was the real thing. The nurse checked my progress and I was dilated 5 centimeters. Definitely a lot further along than I felt.
A Medicated Pregnancy
It was enough to get me a room with a window. They got me all comfortable and hooked me up to the machines. Almost right away, I got my first dose of pitocin, which my doctor suggested I should take to speed up labor.
A couple of hours later, I was dilated about 6 centimeters (yes, super slow progress), and the pain was getting much worse so I requested an epidural. Once that happened, it was nearly 7 hours before pushing would begin. I laid in the bed wondering when this baby was going to decide to come out. My husband was enjoying the soccer game on the TV, but I was trying to sleep.
I Should’ve Had a Bite to Eat!
I had one regret in all of this.
Why didn’t I eat something on the way to the hospital??
It was breakfast, and I couldn’t eat anything because once you take the meds, you can only have the ice chips.
Preparation Regrets
It was then in all my hunger that I wished I had taken Lamaze classes and refused the drugs. Natural childbirth is something I wanted to try with my first, but then I chickened out. I really think having a baby naturally would be so empowering.
Anyways, because I was hungry, time seemed to tick by even slower. Finally, around 2 in the afternoon, I had to start pushing. This is always my least favorite part since there are about 2 or 3 people hanging around you watching the baby come out. Of course my husband was one of them. But still. Awkward.
She came out at 2:46 with all her dark black hair, and I couldn’t have been more in love. I honestly don’t remember much more after this. I have a vivid picture of Sofía when she was born but not of Bella. I wish I could remember those first few moments.
They weighed her in at 7 pounds 7 ounces and 20 inches long. Just sweet perfection.
Unfortunately, when Sofía came to the hospital with my parents, she could not hold Bella. The night before, when I started the contractions, she was running a really high temperature. We didn’t want to risk Bella getting sick, so pictures and sisterly bonding moments had to wait until healthier days.
Heading Home
Normally after having a medicated pregnancy, you stay in the hospital for about 48 hours. We went home the next evening so we were there for less than that. I had learned from the first time around that the hospital will nickel and dime you for everything, so I figured I could finish recovering at home for free, especially since I had the clearance.
I was starting to get a cold the day before I went into labor, and once I got home, it started to get much worse. The first week postpartum was challenging what with all the sickness we were all enduring and the fact that I couldn’t breastfeed Bella without suffering through immense pain (a post on that to come in the future!).
We had become parents to a second child, and our lives would never be the same. But our lives have become more full because of Bella. She’s our darling dancer. Our kind-hearted kisser. Our second beautiful blessing.
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Melissa @ Freeing Imperfections says
That’s interesting about the second labor being slower. All the things people tell you are never right! I was told that as a first time mom my baby would for SURE be late and y labor would be long. Neither were true. My daughter was 2 days “early” so really on time to me, and I was only in labor for 14 hours until she was born. Not bad at all! Now I’m thinking the next kid will get me though and it won’t be nearly as easy!
I love all her hair!
Charlee says
I know, when my first was 2 1/2 weeks early, it was a huge shock! I think so many women experience the “norms”, but there are quite a few babies who are born both really early and really late. And I bet you’re right about your second, Melissa!
Stacy Church says
I don’t want to say anything that might sound negative and judgemental but I highly recommend to anyone thinking of our about to have a baby to watch “Business of Being Born”. I had my daughter 33 years ago naturally in a burning room in Montana and our son 31 years ago at home naturally without any drugs. This was long before this movie was out but it completely agrees with what I believe and was taught when it comes to childbirth. Please check it out
Charlee says
I actually wrote a post, Stacy, where I talk about how I regret having both of my pregnancies medicated. I am sure I could do it naturally, but I just wasn’t prepared when the labor rolled around and I chickened out. I really wanted to do natural, and if I have a third I will strongly consider it. Thanks for sharing!