*This is the 11th day of the One Month Spending Freeze Challenge. Please click here to see all of the posts in this series.*
Remember in your elementary school days when you would receive RAKs from your teacher for doing kind things for others? RAKs, or Random Acts of Kindness, were something that our teachers obviously wanted us to start doing at a young age so that we would hopefully continue these actions into adulthood.
© johnsroad7 / Dollar Photo Club
Now that we’re adults, how many of us are still doing Random Acts of Kindness, especially without a reward attached to them?
I could probably do 1000% better in this area.
Going out of your way to make someone else’s day just a little bit better really can make a greater difference than you might think. You never know the struggles someone else is going through, and just a small amount of kindness can go a long way.
The best thing about doing something kind for another human being is that it rarely costs a thing. It’s FREE, yet many of us still don’t take the time to do these things often enough.
Today is another journal day for our spending freeze challenge. I think it would be a good idea to stop thinking about our own struggles with this month long spending freeze for a few minutes and think about what others might be struggling with.
How can you be the angel that someone else is praying for?
What good can you do today to make just a small difference for someone else?
Open up your journal and write for 10 minutes. Think of all the things you do throughout the week and the people you encounter. How can you help a stranger, a co-worker, your child’s teacher, a friend, or a relative?
I was going to write out a list of kind things you can do, but I remembered that there is an awesome list over on Frugal on the Prairie that you can take advantage of. You can even sign up for Allison’s free newsletter and get her list of 50 Random Acts of Kindness as a free printable!
All it takes is one kind word, one kind gesture, or one kind thought to make a difference in someone else’s life. Can you be the difference someone else needs?
What idea do you have for a Random Act of Kindness?
[…] those random acts of kindness are just the beginning. We are incredibly blessed to have wonderful family, friends, neighbors, and […]