Do I have a treat for you today. 🙂 My blogging friend, Chelsea, is over here to talk about our bodies…post-baby. She has such a fun writing style and speaks straight from her heart. I think you’ll like her. Without further ado…
Have you ever wondered why God created stretch marks? I mean, the whole pregnancy ‘thing’, neurotic hormones, and monthly visits from Aunt Flow weren’t enough?! We have to have proof of what we go through to be a mother?!..
Before I go into my motherly self-esteem rant story, maybe I should introduce myself!
Hey there, Humble in a Heartbeat readers! I’m Chelsea, Mommie Lifestyle Blogger over at Mommie and Wee (link no longer available)! I’m so excited to meet you over the blogosphere. I hope you know that we are best friends now! 😉
Okay, let’s rewind a little bit.
If you know anything about me (link no longer available), then you know that I am a little busty, to say the least. Even so, I’ve never been one to have self-esteem issues (link no longer available), but after carrying twin girls for 9 months, I now know the true meaning of ‘the struggle’ (link no longer available).
I’ve got marks on my booty, boobies, and everywhere in between. I’ve got stretch marks in places that I didn’t even know existed.
Honestly, I didn’t think it was possible to get stretch marks on your boobs. But, man do I know now! My used-to-be prized possessions are now my own personal bean bags.
They hang low. Really low. I can tie them in a knot. I can tie them in a bow.
But, even though I despise my flat boobs and am saddened by my bazillion stretch marks, I am so grateful to have them. Not for what they are, but for what they represent.
Not only did I defeat the odds by having a successful pregnancy as a woman with Lupus (link no longer available) (doctors said it wasn’t possible for me), but I had a heart attack, was in the ICU for almost a month, and I’m still here to tell my story with a smile on my face. (You can read my entire pregnancy story HERE (link no longer available).)
These aren’t stretch marks, they’re battle scars.
So, now that you know my whole life, here’s the moral behind the story. A struggle with self-acceptance is justified, but there is hope! With that said, I would like to share with you my 3 easy tips for a better self-image.
See it.
Look at yourself in the mirror. Realize your flaws.
Love it.
Embrace who you are, on the inside and out.
Say it.
You’re only as good as your word. If you think you’re beautiful, have confidence and show it to the world.
I’ve realized that as a mother, it is even more important for me to have a positive self image. My little angels look up to me as role models (maybe not yet, but one day), and in order for them to know that they are beautiful, I have to see myself as beautiful first.
Stretch marks, saggy boobs, and all.
Do you struggle with post-pregnancy body issues? Do you have tips to encourage other mothers who are battling a negative self-esteem?
I’d love to hear what you all have to say about this. Although I made this post fairly light-hearted, this is a serious topic that a lot of women deal with. I visit Humble in a Heartbeat quite often (I just love it here!) so I’ll be able to keep up with your comments!
Thank you so much, Charlee, for allowing me to share my thoughts on your blog! You’re truly an awesome person and an amazing blogger! So happy to be your blogging buddie!
Don’t forget to head on over to my blog, Mommie and Wee (link no longer available). If you enjoyed this post, I’ve got way more for ‘ya! Leave a comment on a post, and I’ll be sure to comment and follow you back! I can’t wait to connect with you! I told you we’d be best friends! 😉 With Love, M&W
Great post. Yeah boobs and stretch marks. Been there. Doing that. However, I’m one of those ladies that is pleased to see that each time after I finish nursing the boobs get just a little bit smaller. Woohoo! So perhaps I’ll keep having kids until they get to the desired size haha. Too bad they blow up like balloons when I’m pregnant and while I’m nursing though. Sigh. Anyway, off to read some of your stories. Sounds like you had a miraculous pregnancy and that is awesome!
Thanks so much!! I wish my boobs got smaller… 🙁 Lol
I literally lol at some of this!!! Chelsea!!! You take the things we obsess the most about and turn them into something we can most certainly be proud of!! I love that about you!!! You have such positive energy! Anyway…I can definitely relate! Having given birth to five children, you can imagine what my battle scars look like. Sometimes I hate to look in the mirror and I was just looking at my boobs this morning thinking how unfair gravity has been to be, but like you said, it was for a good cause. I’ve learned to accept that this who I am…………perfectly imperfect me!!!
Thanks for the comedic but seriously REAL post!!!
Ahhh Shirl! Thanks so much for the kind words! I really am just gabbing like I would to my best friend! Haha but I’m glad you enjoyed the post! Sometimes, it’s hard to accept a post-prego body, but if you really think about it, those scars are beauty marks! xChels
LOL! I totally hear you with the stretch marks….and to everyone with daughters it’s extra important to love ourselves no matter what. It’ll help when they’re at that age when they’re unhappy about something on their bodies…and it will happen.
I’m sooo dreading when that day will happen! LOL
I love that this wasn’t a post about more exercise, or more dieting. It seems like the forces of more, more, more, only get us feeling more down. I love that this was about acceptance and beauty in who we are right now, right here. Thank you!!
This is fabulous!! I am proudly sporting my own battle scars outwardly, plus the internal ones you can’t see (I think my bladder is completely destroyed after 4 babies)!
Ok I am going to practice seeing it, loving it and saying it!! Great tips 🙂